#ILookLikeAnEngineer - Women Who Code

Designer/Content Strategy/Execution

This engagement campaign on Instagram highlights that there isn’t a one-size-fits-all engineer, emphasizing that women engineers have different interests, careers stories, and accomplishments while still rising in their tech careers. The campaign focuses on encouraging women to break the expectation that women engineers should look or be a specific way and instead show up as their whole selves.



+ 20% Total Engagement

+ 15% Followers

+ 15% Shares

Connect Digital Conference - Women Who Code

Designer/Content Strategy/Execution/Coordinator

Connect Digital was a global remote developer conference for 3 Fridays in June, each featuring a different theme (Code, Career, and Community).

Leading up to the conference, each day had a conference graphic, speaker cards, call for speaker graphics as well as past attendee/speaker quotes, polls, and announcements of new speakers up until the conference.

Along with speaker announcements, polls, and live-tweeting of session takeaways during the conference, sessions were streamed live from live. There were also separate interviews on Instagram throughout each day of the conference with attendees (similar to a behind-the-red-carpet interview series).



5K+ Conference Attendees

5% Engagement Rate (7% Day of Conferences)

4% CTR

3K+ Tweets of Conference Hashtag

Coding Memes - Women Who Code

Designer/Content Strategy/Execution

Part inspirational, part humor, the coding memes created for Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook is the campaign with the highest level of engagement and driving the most amount of new followers to date at Women Who Code.

While inspirational and programming memes are not new to social media, writing inspirational memes in code and cleaning up the design of traditional programming humor, made this campaign stand out as a favorite of WWCode members.



+ 40% Total Engagement

+ 35% Followers

+ 80% Engagement from Hashtags

Old School Programming - Women Who Code

Designer/Content Strategy/Execution

This campaign was built as a CTA driving-campaign for the WWCode Job Board, targeting potential applicants on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

The graphics featured old programming languages and computer operating systems to invoke a sense of nostalgia with engineers.



4.5% CTR

6.8% Engagement

40% of Engagement from Hashtags

Lead Generation - Get Kelvin

Content Strategy/Execution

Get Kelvin is a platform for sharing and having conversations about websites. This campaign focused on sharing the experience of the site via humor as well as using current events as a platform to start the conversation.



+ 20% CTR

+ 15% New Users

Sales Campaign - Don’t Forget Cake

Creative Directior/Content Strategy/Execution

To promote the new launch of Don’t Forget Cake in groceries stores through out the USA, this campaign utilized customer personas from the initial brand strategy to target specific use cases and tap into relatability to drive conversions.



+ 30% CTR

+ 20% Online Sales

+ 15% Engagement


Long Form Content