Lead Generation/Email Marketing

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Email Marketing/Lead Generation Magnet: Cheese Grotto


As a lead generation magnet in order to get more subscribers to the newsletter and drive traffic to the website, we created a 6-part Cheese Grotto: Cheese 101 class.

Initial enrollment was through opting into an email marketing series (see below for example). Every week subscribers received a new guide to different topics for a total of one email per week for 6 weeks.

Each guide was a downloadable PDF that included links to blog posts for more information as well as links to buy cheeses/products included in the guide (see example on the right “How To Store Cheese”).

Along with the downloadable guide, each email contained relevant blog content, giveaways, and new product offerings.

At the end of the series, all subscribers received a certificate for completing the course that was tied into a social media campaign via Instagram stories to encourage members to share when they completed the course.


  • 16% average open rate

  • 8-12% CTR on links in emails (product + blog content)

  • 5-8% CTR on links in PDFs (product + blog content)

  • +40% in email list subscribers

  • +15% increase in cheese subscription purchases

  • +20 member stories shared on Instagram

  • Over 2K in Cheese Grotto Sales from the series

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Global Newsletter - Women Who Code


Originally sent to subscribers three times a week and low engagement, the content mix was redesigned to focus on storytelling and value-based content including top events, free tickets, recent blog posts, humor, and stories from our community.

In order to free up space and reduce the newsletter to once per week, the Jobs Newsletter and Digital Newsletter were created (see following two sections). Both are sent bi-weekly to separate audiences.


  • +40% Subscribers (100K)

  • +55% Open Rate (16%)

  • +33% CTR (3%)

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Jobs Newsletter - Women Who Code


Originally WWCode Job postings paid for by sponsors were included in the Global Newsletter. In order to free up space in the Global Newsletter, allow for more sponsored job postings, and to target job hunters exclusively, this bi-weekly newsletter was created in mid-2020.


  • 3.5K Subscribers

  • 29% Open Rate

  • 5.1% CTR

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Digital Newsletter - Women Who Code


Both sponsor events and WWCode Network events were included in the Global Newsletter. Additionally, WWCode Technical Communities that are exclusively online needed a way to notify members of upcoming events, as the current event-hosting platform didn’t have this functionality.

The bi-weekly Digital Newsletter was born in mid-2020 to create space in the Global Newsletter, allow for more promotional events, and to promote upcoming events in the WWCode Technical Communities.


  • 2K Subscribers

  • 31% Open Rate

  • 4.2% CTR

