Are you a complex trauma survivor that’s done healing work but still feel stuck and like something is missing?
What is most important to you and what you long for, is found through your internal sensations and your gut feelings.
You’ve been in therapy, you’ve tried journaling, meditation, and yoga to navigate living with complex trauma.
You can point to why things happen and you can sometimes catch yourself when you get triggered, but it keeps happening.
You ask yourself, what am I doing wrong? What’s missing? I’ve done so much work, why isn’t it enough?
And maybe is it me?
It’s not you. It’s how you’ve been taught healing works.
In talk therapy and other healing modalities, the focus is often on the our individual cognitive understanding of what happened to us and how we can learn skills to cope with day-to-day life.
But this only helps us to survive and manage with the ways things are now.
In order to get to the root of the problem, we have to discover what self protective responses (i.e fight/flight) didn’t get to happen or who needed to step on your behalf to protect you / meet your needs but didn’t.
Even though we can’t change what happened, we can change how you feel about what happened by having a corrective experience of a past event / experience. This allows old beliefs / thought patterns to be released along with stored energy in the body and for new neural pathways in the brain to form, returning you connected to the present moment, yourself and the world around you.
What Somatics Does That Many Healing Processes Are Missing:
Focus on building safety / capacity to avoid re-traumatization.
Learning to be aware of and how to understand information from our bodies and internal experiences.
This where find we find access to our sense of knowing, our truth and who we are.
Connecting with our ancestors and the interlocking systems we live in, in order to deeply heal and move towards liberation at a collective level.
Results of an Embodied Approach to Healing:
Ability to connect with others while holding your own and others needs.
Less triggered, responding intentionally and living your life aligned with what you care about.
Ease and clarity in making decisions and holding your boundaries in situations you used to be overwhelmed in.
Ability to be present and grounded with a wide range of people emotions, and situations that would be triggering before.
Create possibilities and are creative during conflict instead of breaking down.
Feel supported and have the capacity to be able to love and be loved better.
Out of the isolation of survival mode and into a thriving, vibrant life that flows with less effort.
Somatic-based coaching offers a holistic way to transform with the end goal of how we behave and think is aligned with our visions and values—even under pressure or the same old conditions.
How Do I Know If I Have Unprocessed Trauma in My Body?
Have you ever found yourself over- or under-reacting to a situation for no obvious reason?
Maybe you find yourself screaming at your kids or partner over something really small. Or maybe you shut down when someone gets angry at you.
This is often due to the unresolved energy from the past that is locked in your nervous system.
When stress in our lives exceeds our ability to cope (ie during a highly emotionally overwhelming event) we survive by storing it in our bodies in the forms of flight, fight, freeze, appease, and dissociate so we can process it later when it is safe to do so.
When we are stuck in a survival state for a longer period of time, we continually sense danger when danger is not present, or completely shut down and lose our capacity to live in the present.
So how do we get out of this state and heal?
In order to heal from stress stored in the body, we must return our bodies to a state of equilibrium.
By adding the body into the healing process, we can move beyond only the mental understanding of what happened to us and begin to reprogram the body’s survival instincts, allowing for a greater sense of connection, safety, and ease in the body and life as a whole.
Meet one of my clients
"This work has been some of the hardest but most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Having a session with Cait every week gives me a lot of confidence and courage to do things I don’t think I could do alone. "
"If you are looking to go deeper into your mind, body and spirit than conventional clinical psychotherapy can take you, Cait is a great choice."
-Michael, Client of 3 Years
Results From Working Together:
Processing and moving through really strong emotions that last year would have caused him to dissociate.
Ability to process old emotions and new ones in real time as well as fill himself with new emotions, experiences, and a path forward.
Major reduction in the amount of time spent disassociating, triggered and hypervigilant.
Figuring out where trauma in his body was stored and slowly start releasing it.
Improved/deepened personal relationships and able to support his friends and family in ways he couldn't before.
Able to forgive himself and others.
More patience and overall increase in energy level.
Hi I’m Cait
I am a white, non-binary (they/she), bi-sexual, able-bodied, neurodivergent human.
I am a survivor of CPTSD, sexual assault,chronic fatigue, chronic pain, depression and anxiety..
I am a Trauma-Informed Certified Coach (TICC) through the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
I’m trained in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy (TEL), Somatic Experiencing (SEI), and Dynamic Attachment Repatterning Experience (DARe).
I live on the territory of the Palta people, colonially known as Vilcabamba, Ecuador.
1:1 Somatic Coaching
By working together in one-on-one sessions, we can create a safe environment to creatively explore what is keeping you stuck and disconnected by relearning the relationship between your body and mind in order to tap into who you authentically are and what you long for.
Develop Tools To Build Stability and Safety
Learn how to tolerate and not feel overwhelmed by your internal sensations, how to set boundaries, be in the present moment and regain your right to choose.
Uncover What Was Missing Or Didn't Happen
Find the memory in the body of what happened, complete the reparative action that didn’t happen in the past, and let go of the energy / emotions from the past.
Make Meaning & Integrate The Experience
Create a new, more empowered relationship with your mind and body so that your actions are aligned with your values—even under pressure or under the same old conditions.
One-On-One Coaching Packages
Sliding scale pricing is available. No one is turned away for lack of funds.
3 Months of Weekly Coaching (12 Sessions)
Weekly 60 minute video call sessions
Available by email in between sessions
Exercises/home work in between sessions (as requested)
*Per session ($1,630 total including processing fees)
6 months of Weekly Coaching (24 Sessions)
Weekly 60 minute video call sessions
Available by email in between sessions
Exercises/home work in between sessions (as requested)
Per session ($2,745 total including processing fees)
Individual Session
60 minute video call session
Available by email
Exercises/home work (as requested)
*Plus 2.6% credit card processing fees
Ready to Begin the Coaching Process?
1. Book a Consultation Call
No pressure or formal sales pitch conversation for you to ask questions about the process, see if we are a good fit, and notice how you feel being in a space together.
2. Reconnect
Take some time to let the call settle in and check in with yourself if you feel ready to commit to doing the work in moving towards your goal, if the method I am offering is the best path for you right now and if I am the right person to accompany you on this journey.
3. Begin 1:1 Somatic Coaching
Together we will equip you with the tools and confidence to become unstuck and out of survival mode into a confident, grounded, and connected way of living in the present.